Sunday, May 9, 2021

No Other

The greatest gift of all is to see oneself in another (or see others in yourself). Or fact in reality it is to have no other. What a joy. But it's found in the dirty realm of emotions. 

The emotions always have an other. A target. Either you or them. It doesn't really matter. Or the thing, like the technology that isn't working. Point is it's always something that the emotion is pointing to. Or always from something pointing back at you. 

And it's not that these go away it is that they slowly soften. And evidence of them softening is that they will eventually go away. Maybe not fully away. But enough to be just in the background to have no real effect on your peace. 

Because it comes to a realization to anyone doing this work. The person pissing you off is you. What you don't like in another you don't like in yourself. Sure there are minor exceptions. But the emotions don't lie. What continues to come up must be dealt with. But not by the conscious mind. Not by the you. Oh god no. 

It happens naturally. Do the work. Exercise, focus, and explore. If a day or moment or journey is ruined, perfect. Conflict and chaos are just are worthy experiences as meditative bliss. Maybe more so. Anyone can meditate. Only a true master can transcend conflict. 

And its done by transgressing the emotions. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are the whiny child that wont stop. And even though its triggered by someone else. That whinyness is living inside your gut. Or else why would it be appearing? 

So take the leap and continue on. The emotional mind complex will soften as you go. And in doing so you'll know. There is no you. There is no me. The all are truly one. But not in the happy go lucky fairy way someone once promised you. There's an emotion behind that. A lie. 

We live in the now. So anything can happen to anyone on any day. And it will. So don't even take the good with the bad. Just do you. Be around those you love. Take breaks and time outs. And through the loosening of the grip of the emotional mind, the most beautiful gift that can ever be had but cannot be bought will be revealed to you: there is no other. 

Friday, May 7, 2021


Be aware of the smiles of comfort. Be weary of the easiness of convenience. For if the plant was alone in the forest, what reason would it have to grow. If it had all the nutrients, all the light, and all the space in the world, it surely would not be a rose. There is a reason a rose has a thorn. 

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Growth requires pain, discomfort and struggle. How else would one know they are getting somewhere. When the rubber hits the road its the friction that keeps the vehicle in line. No friction, no fire. No struggle, no growth. 

This is not to say go out and look for trouble. We are implying a common sense here. Because of course no one would go out and look for it. No one would run a red light to prove they aren't afraid. Only stupidness and the extremes of youth engage in such blashphemy. We speak not to their kind. 

This is for the one wondering what to do. Wondering what each action means. For each one there is a consequence. And the matrix of the mind can become a choking hazard of cords. 

So spice up your life with a little challenge. One small step at a time. Enhance your life with some struggle. Or wait until it comes naturally which it will. For even the smallest discomfort is more alive than a pure sense of comfort and ease. Even a little pain and understanding is more vibrant than a lifetime of hiding and worry. 

Stand up and face it. Hold your ground the let the straw break over the camel's back. When the dust settles and the chips fall back in place you will have a place. There is no other place for you to be than right here. The clothes you wear and the place you live may change. But that is the nature of the cycles of life. Enjoy, redeem, and inquire. Why am I doing this and what am I seeking in it? Be aware of comfort. It delivers not what it promises. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

The faceless

 I am the faceless. When I look out I see I have arms and hands in front of me. But I have no face. To see my face I have to look in the mirror. Or see the face of another. But when I see the face of another it isn’t always that simple. Sometimes the other simply sees themselves in me. I am not even there because I do not have a face.

Sometimes I see myself in the other. They are not there because they do not have a face. So what is the nature of the mirror? Something much more than a simple reflection to see your own face the same way every time. In fact, that is probably the only thing it cannot do is show you the same thing every time. And yet the mirror never changes it is always there waiting for you.

What a mystery. I am the faceless face.

Saturday, May 1, 2021


For not now or ever have we known the slim opportunity to be wild as the heart demands. Without such chance or opportunity as living amongst the trees, what can we do? We can find the slim opportunity, the chance to take the leap within the quick gaze of an other.

Truly just our self looking in the mirror. And is this not the best part. For when there is no other and both parties are on the same page the whole book can be thrown to the wolves and the chase can begin. No wrong, no right, and be sure to exchange any and all good gendered roles. For the first thing to go if one is to be wild is what you know.

Follow the look. Follow the gaze. Follow the way the light reflects off her blue dress and the shine of his white teeth in his smile. For the smile does not say I know it says I wonder. The dress does not say I am calm it says I am ready. Ready to go, ready to give, ready to say what the hell does it mean to be alive.

Make sure its messy and be sure to get wet. Dive right in and get a good whiff of the errands. For how often does one get a chance to live like this? If memories are what we love then it is time to create. But in this Monday to Friday workweek how many chances do we get to clear the slate of knowing?

BE GONE and run fast into the wild. Take a chance, answer the call, and scream out your truth from the bottom of your throat. Stop looking at your self in the mirror and where each piece of hair goes. For imagine if it held you to the same precinct as you do when you claim you know?

Fear not the unknown for it becomes just what is. No you, no me, what an honour it is. Breathe in and look ‘round and hear the mystery sound strike the knell. One more culprit has broken that forever ancient spell. They have crossed the line and into the forest comes the point of no return. Forever our hearts shall desire to yearn.

To be wild and free and run with the wolves. To sing far and wide and fly with the birds. To gallop with the horses and bask in the sun. For unto us each new day will always be begun. Take not it as a chance for it is always so. If you do not seek the wild then unto the grey and feverish you will bestow.

You have to be the one to make the first move. So be stealthy and wise and do not shoot off too soon. You’re wild forever but the chance comes and goes. To see the flash of a chance is the one who truly knows. How to be wild. 

No Other

The greatest gift of all is to see oneself in another (or see others in yourself). Or fact in reality it is to have no other. What a joy. Bu...